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Schoenberg, Hebets, and Sullivan-Beckers, in press, Mating and cannibalism dynamics of the fishing spider Dolomedes scriptus Hentz, 1845 (Araneae: Pisauridae), Journal of Arachnology


McKamey, S, and Sullivan-Beckers, L, 2019, First record of the Treehopper Tribe Darnini (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Darniniae) from Eastern United States based on specimens of a new species excavated from Hoplosoides wasp nests. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 121(3): 449-460


Fowler-Finn, K., Sullivan-Beckers, L., Runck, A., Hebets, E. 2015. The complexities of female mate choice and male polymorphisms: Elucidating the role of genetics, age, and mate-choice copying. Current Zoology 61, pp. 1015-1035.


Sullivan-Beckers, L. and Hebets, E. 2014. Tactical adjustment of signaling leads to increased mating success and survival. Animal Behaviour 93, pp. 111-117.


Pesek, M.F*, Fower-Finn, K.D., Sullivan-Beckers, L., and Hebets, E.A. 2013. Foreleg ornaments do not hinder foraging efficiency.  Journal of Insect Behavior 26, pp. 837-849.  * undergraduate mentee


Hebets, E.A., Vink, C., Sullivan-Beckers, L., and Rosenthal, M. 2013. The dominance of seismic signaling and selection for signal complexity in Schizocosa multimodal displays. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 67, pp. 1483-1498.


Cocroft, RB & Sullivan-Beckers, L. 2012. Female preference functions provide a window into cognition, the evolution of communication, and speciation in plant-feeding insects. In J. Vonk & T. Shackleford (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Sullivan-Beckers L & Hebets EA, 2011. Modality-specific experience with female feedback increases the efficacy of courtship signalling in male wolf spiders. Animal Behaviour 82(5), pp. 1051-1057.


Rundus AS, Sullivan-Beckers L, Wilgers D, & Hebets E, 2011. Females are choosier in the dark: Environment-dependent reliance on courtship components and its impact on fitness. Evolution 65(1), pp. 268-282.


Hebets EA and Sullivan-Beckers L, 2010. Mate Choice and Learning. In: Breed, M. D. and Moore, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, volume 2, pp. 389-393 Oxford: Academic Press.


Sullivan-Beckers L & Cocroft R, 2010. The importance of female choice, male-male competition, and signal transmission as causes of selection on male mating signals. Evolution 64(11), pp. 3158-3171.


Holan S, Wikle C, Sullivan-Beckers L & Cocroft R, 2010. Modeling complex phenotypes: generalized linear models using spectrogram predictors of animal communication signals. Biometrics 66(3), pp. 914-924.


Rodríguez RL, Sullivan L & Cocroft R. 2004. Vibrational communication and reproductive isolation in the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae). Evolution 58(3), pp. 571-578.

Murray State University

Biology Department

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